When were you finally diagnosed with chronic neurological Lyme mold toxicity, and what led up to it?
At first I was misdiagnosed as having Fifth Disease, which was a mistake. The Lyme went untreated for a year and a half and attacked my neurological system. I had a fever, spinal, head, and body aches, lack of appetite, issues with menses, spaciness, and trouble with memory. At this point no doctors ever actually said that it was Lyme Disease. After getting a positive IGeneX test for Lyme and Ehrlichiosis I then went to see a neurologist who found spots on my brain. The neurologist sent me to an MS specialist who ruled out MS, but no one actually gave me a proper diagnosis! Luckily with my A&P background and love and understanding of the body, I figured it out and began seeing a Lyme literate doctor who confirmed my own diagnosis. These doctors were very conventional and the mold toxicity was not found until I saw Dr. Mark Hyman.What kind of emotional and physical toll did the misdiagnoses and incorrect treatments take on you?
It was very frustrating that all conventional tests would come back “normal” and that my feelings were being dismissed. I felt unheard and like the medical system failed me. The process was saddening and made me feel hopeless. Looking back now, I see that their lack of care and knowledge actually drove me to figure it out on my own and help others with the same disease.“Looking back now, I see that the lack of care and knowledge actually drove me to figure it out on my own and help others with the same disease.”

Were there ever times you didn’t feel seen by your family, friends, or partner—or even by your own doctors?
Everyone around me was very supportive, but they too of course wanted answers. The doctors did not have accurate forms of testing, so I don’t blame them, but living in this Lyme endemic area, they should recognize and treat which is what a ILAD doctor will do.Did your condition inspire you to pursue homeopathy or had you already started that journey when you got sick?
I had begun that journey and continued on to University. The homeopathics kept me going and wanting to learn more!What kind of holistic remedies have been the most useful in dealing with your symptoms?
Specific individualized homeopathic remedies that were prescribed by my homeopath. I also took many supplements and herbs. A very strict diet that would not feed the Lyme and mold, ozone therapy, infrared sauna, massage, cranial sacral therapy, and working with a shaman were all part of my healing journey.“It was very frustrating that all conventional tests would come back ‘normal’ and that my feelings were being dismissed. I felt unheard and like the medical system failed me. The process was saddening and made me feel hopeless.”
How has homeopathy changed the way you view your health, and yourself?
It showed me that with the right remedy and stimulus, the body has the ability to heal. Homeopathy gave me confidence to use and embrace my gifts and craft.
What words of advice do you have for someone who might be struggling with a chronic disease and having trouble getting the right support?
Start doing your own research. While you are trying to find the correct modalities for yourself, use food as medicine, take supplements, try homeopathy and herbs, exercise, and do adjunct therapies that resonate with you!
What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about Lyme and/or mold toxicity—and about homeopathy in general?
The biggest misconception is that it does not exist. Yes, there are people and doctors out there that dismiss Lyme and mold toxicity! A misconception about homeopathy is that it does not work—we have over 8,000 remedies in the materia medica and if the remedy did not work, the correct remedy was not selected!