When it comes to aging gracefully, we all know lifestyle is just as important as genetics—but making changes can be daunting. Thankfully, it’s easier than you think to make small adjustments that add up over time. We recently sat down with women’s health experts Dr. Shoma Datta-Thomas of Modern Age, Gabriel Sher of ORA, Joanna Mansfield of Coterie, and our own Dr. Narissa Joyner, who shared the best ways to turn back the clock.
Have a good attitude.
The way you approach aging affects your health. The more positive you are, the more positive the results will be.
Set manageable goals.
And don’t ever be afraid to replace them with new ones. They can even be as small as, say, moving your Peloton app to your home screen and removing the apps that don’t serve you. Little things add up!
Find your zen.
Meditating for even just a few minutes every morning can be a “performance advancement tool” that makes you more efficient and effective for the rest of the day. If meditation isn’t your thing, take a mental health walk, exercise, you name it.
Eat well.
That means reading labels, seeking out non-processed ingredients whenever possible, and focusing on foods that are easy to digest and give you energy. Loading up on refined sugars and carbs will only lead to inflammation and slow you down.
Have more sex (really!).
It increases blood flow, gets hormones pumping, stimulates the nervous system, and increases levels of oxytocin and dopamine. Not to mention it puts you in a better mood.
Whether it’s through community or one-on-one companionship, we thrive on connection. Building out your relationships and support system is crucial to your longevity.
Try acupuncture (and other alternative therapies).
It can stimulate the central nervous system, relieve pain and tension, and also help with fertility and arousal (see #5!).
Keep your eyes on the prize.
The more you think about your wellbeing when you’re healthy—and not just when you need medical help—the better off you’ll be in the long run.