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What Can You Expect From a VIP Urgent Care?

The latest trend in urgent care centers is VIP treatment. With the Covid-19 pandemic, access to good healthcare has become an even more significant part of our daily lives. If you’ve been to a regular doctor’s office lately, you know that the traditional medical system is complicated.
by wpengine

The latest trend in urgent care centers is VIP treatment. With the Covid-19 pandemic, access to good healthcare has become an even more significant part of our daily lives. If you’ve been to a regular doctor’s office lately, you know that the traditional medical system is complicated. Maybe even broken. 

You likely had to suffer through endless waiting times. You probably had to fill out tons of forms just to wait some more and then be seen for only a few brief moments. Then you were sent back on your way into the world—maybe with a prescription or a referral, maybe not—to fend for yourself once again.

That’s where Sollis Health comes in. A VIP Urgent Care offers the solution to the shortcomings of traditional healthcare. At Sollis Health, the patient—that’s you— comes first. It’s a luxury and personalized medical care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whenever you need it, it’s there for you.


VIP Urgent Care Means No Wait, No Appointment.

We’ve all had health concerns that merit immediate medical attention. You wake up with a brutal cough and worry it might be bronchitis. Your child spikes a fever in the middle of the night and won’t stop crying. You twist your ankle stepping out of your car in the supermarket parking lot and you can barely press the gas pedal. Of course, your first instinct is to spend hours scrolling WebMD looking for a diagnosis. Talk about a great way to add stress to an already stressful situation!

Your next step is the doctor or a visit to an urgent care office. Try calling for a doctor’s appointment these days. Nobody ever answers the phone! And once you finally get through, you might not be able to get on the schedule for weeks when you want and need to solve your problem ASAP. If you go to an urgent care center, lines can snake around the block, especially in a time of regular and necessary Covid tests. In all these places, the doctor’s time is more important than yours. That’s how it goes.

You wonder: isn’t there an easier way to do this? There must be, and it’s called VIP Urgent Care. With VIP Urgent Care, the patient is the priority. Your time is more important than anyone else’s. We work around your schedule instead of you working around ours.

VIP Urgent Care makes you the priority. It feels both productive and calming when caregivers offer their full attention and when your needs are met the way you want them met.

Instead of stressing out on WebMD, you can call and speak to a real health professional at 2 a.m. with a question about your child’s sore throat. You can drop by during your lunch hour so a doctor can take a look at the ankle you think you twisted, wrap it and tell you to ice or heat it. You can get the peace of mind that your brutal cough might just be related to your allergies.

With the best VIP Urgent Care centers, you can just pick up the phone, say you’ll be by in 15 minutes or in 3 hours. It’s genuinely about whatever works for you, and it’s that easy. Once you arrive, a nurse or doctor will see you within minutes. You probably won’t even have time to open an app on your phone before you’re already discussing your symptoms.


Most Urgent Care Centers aren’t 24/7. But the VIP ones should be.

There are very few places you can access medical care at any time of the day. Very few urgent care centers are 24/7/365. Many are only open until 9 or 10 pm and are often closed on Sundays. Accidents happen on Sundays too, but what can you do? You’re at the mercy of their schedule. 

If an accident or illness occurs at night, during the weekend, or on a holiday, you most likely will have to go to the emergency room. If you are forced to go to an ER, you may be waiting hours to receive care or see a doctor. You’re also waiting amongst sick or injured people, potentially exposing yourself to further illness. 

One of the great things about VIP Urgent Care Centers is that they are open all the time. Mostly because you can get sick or hurt yourself at any time. At VIP Urgent Cares, someone is available to you whenever you want or need them. That’s seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 


VIP Means You’re Seen by an ER Staffed Physician

Many Urgent Care centers are staffed with nurse practitioners. Based on your issues, you may not even be able to see a doctor. These centers aren’t used to handling emergencies. Basically, they can take care of a minor cold or a surface injury, and that’s about it. 

VIP Urgent Cares are typically staffed with the highest caliber ER physicians. These doctors are used to the pace of the emergency room and can diagnose your problem in moments. 

At a regular urgent care center, you will likely need a follow-up appointment with another, different specialist after your visit. VIP Urgent Care should handle 90% of what the ER sees. It will be able to provide comprehensive care, from start to finish, quickly, efficiently and in a single location.


Get Lab Testing and Imaging Under One Roof

Urgent Care centers tend to be examined only. If you need blood work done, you have to make another appointment and go somewhere else, perhaps days after. If you need an X-Ray or an ultrasound, same thing. The whole process of just learning what’s even wrong with you can take weeks. Does anyone have time for that?

The best VIP Urgent Care is a one-stop shop. You can get blood work results in moments. An X-Ray can happen ASAP. Almost every test you need exists in a single office. 

VIP Urgent Care simplifies the whole process. No extra appointments. No extra phone calls. It’s all there for you, which is ideal, because the sooner you can find out what’s wrong, the sooner you can fix it.


Enjoy the VIP Experience

Have you been to an ER lately? They’re filled to the brim with people. So are Urgent Care centers. There’s no privacy—everyone knows your business. And you might as well forget social distancing. Emergency rooms are a perfect place to get coughed on by people experiencing phantom symptoms who are waiting to get their noses swabbed for a last-minute Covid test. 

It’s rare that you feel like a human being in these situations. Your time isn’t valued and you’re treated like just another body, just another number. The goal of an ER is triage—to see as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

VIP Urgent Care is exclusive for a reason. As a member, you are treated like a VIP, and deservedly so. The place is squeaky clean, and you’re given your own room. It’s not noisy or bustling or confusing or chaotic. There’s nothing that will raise your blood pressure. It’s something an emergency room never ever is—it’s comfortable.

VIP Urgent Care should be like a spa, with serene design, elevated interiors, beautiful art on the walls. The goal is to calm you down, not stress you out. The point is to make you think you’re not in a doctor’s office or a hospital, mostly because you’re not; you’re in a VIP Urgent Care center. 


Elevated Luxury Amenities

The best VIP Urgent Care makes you feel comfortable and at home. That means a cold Pelligrino to quench your thirst. Televisions in each room offer personalized Roku boxes so you can zone out and watch anything you want. Stuffed animals to comfort your kids. Elegant Frette linens that might feel better than the ones you have at home. 

VIP Urgent Care is also like a special club that’s invitation only. Elevated amenities don’t just come in the office. It offers luxury amenities like partnerships with other companies to improve your lifestyle. Plus informational conferences and salons to keep up with the most important conversations in health happening today.

Sollis Health is a VIP Urgent Care that offers all of these things and more. We understand that taking care of yourself may be stressful, so we’ve invested in an experience that makes you feel at home and at ease like you’re on your way to a massage or a scrub treatment rather than a blood test.

Solis offers 24 hour/7 days a week telemedicine, should you want any kind of consult at home. The centers are elegant and serene. Sollis is staffed only by the best ER Physicians. Nearly everything you need—labs, imaging—is offered on-premises for the ultimate convenience. 

In addition, Sollis makes the patient experience as comforting and private as possible. Empty waiting rooms are rarely if ever used for actual waiting. Streaming televisions in every room to transport you somewhere else, even if it’s just back to your own couch. Stuffed toys for the kids. VIP partnerships with some of the coolest luxury brands. 

Sollis puts you first.

Sollis Health is a 24/7 doctor, private ER and concierge service rolled into one. Whether it’s an emergency or simply to diagnose the symptoms that you typically Google in the middle of the night, our emergency-trained doctors are ready for anything. Interested in becoming a Sollis member?

